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What is AIAP?
The Association of Irrigation Acceleration Platform (AIAP), is a national non-profit organization registered under the Societies Act in Kenya. AIAP provides a “Platform” focused on irrigation (defined to include drainage) for knowledge sharing, interaction, actions and building of synergies to support and upscale irrigation best practices forprofitability andsector growth in Kenya.
A Brief Background on AIAP
Aware that the irrigation sector in Kenya lacked a one-stop, national knowledge-focused forum, a number of interested, concerned and empathizing irrigation sector stakeholders met in April 2018 in Nairobi. They decided to create a forum where various issues affecting all irrigation stakeholders, including farmers engaged in irrigation and those wishing to invest in the sector, could find convergence. This would be a platform where issues would be addressed, discussed, solutions sought and opportunities opened up through information and knowledge sharing. That became the founding of the then “National Irrigation Acceleration Platform (NIAP)”.
The formation of NIAP was supported by a project called “Smart Water Solutions (SWA)” which was then funded by SNV-Kenya. Already, County Irrigation Acceleration Platforms (IAPs) existed in five counties namely; Meru, Nanyuki, Machakos, Nakuru and Uasin Gishu. The apex NIAP was designed to bring together the county IAPs, and to grow and cover the whole country. NIAP performed well and by August of 2019, the Platform had registered 235 members variously representing sectors such as; government institutions, research, universities, private sector, development partners, financial institutions, technology providers, marketing companies, agro-processors, NGOs, CBOs and even individual members. Meanwhile, SWA and thus NIAP, were projects set to close in December 2019.It was felt that in the short time of NIAP’s existence, the gains made should not be lost. Thus, a national organization that would bring together irrigation sector actors and stakeholders was necessary, one that would have the force of law. It is for this reason that irrigation stakeholders met again in Naivasha in September 2019, with the main purpose of charting the way forward post-NIAP. It was at the Naivasha meeting that the idea to form AIAP was concretized and its constitution developed.
What does AIAP Aim to Achieve?
AIAP aims to: (i) provide a forum for networking; knowledge sharing and linking stakeholders in the irrigation sector; (ii) develop and host an interactive knowledge depository and database for informing and advancing irrigation across the full value chain; (iii) provide advocacy and push for polices, regulatory and institutional frameworks that advance irrigation; (iv) capacity building, generation of knowledge, advisory and consultancy services relevant to the advancement of irrigation; (v) resource mobilization and fund raising activities to support the Platform and for supporting irrigation; (vi) implement projects, programmes and activities that promote and facilitate irrigation; (vi) hold and participate in meetings, workshops, seminars and related activities; and (viii) do all such other things as are lawful and relevant to advancement of irrigation in Kenya.
Who can be a member of AIAP?
Membership of AIAP is open to individuals and institutions who implement, support or promote irrigation in one way or other, including those interested in various aspects of irrigation as a value chain.

Kajiado Oloimoja farm visit
Examples include farmer support groups, companies that supply irrigation technologies, sales and marketing organizations, private sector, NGOs, CBOs, policy makers, financial institutions, researchers, development partners and individuals interested in or engaged in irrigation. One can join AIAP in any one of the following five (5) categories: (i) Individual membership; (ii) Self-help group membership; (iii) Corporate membership, (iv) Associate membership, and (v) Honorary membership. Details of how to join, as well as the terms and conditions of membership are contained in the AIAP constitution.
Why join AIAP?
There are more advantages of being “in” than “outside” of AIAP. All members of AIAP get a certificate of membership as evidence that they belong. The Platform is focused on information and knowledge sharing, and thus you will be “in the know”, in all matters irrigation, particularly new and innovative technologies. Members of AIAP may be allowed, after due diligence, to post their products and services relevant to irrigation, on AIAP’s website. AIAP will be organizing members’ only activities and initiatives, that help educate and inform members, based on best practices in Kenya and abroad. Members of AIAP will benefit from promotional materials and content, so as to advance their agriculture, business or knowledge. We look forward to your membership, as it is in being “in” that your resourcefulness may shine, and long with it we learn something and do things better. If you value the opportunities that irrigation opens up; for the farmer, for the supplier, markets and infrastructure,for the trader, the innovator, the consumer, the country and for yourself, then you are like many of us in AIAP. Together, let us upscale irrigation to the next level.Welcome to the Platform!
The Association of Irrigation Acceleration Platform (AIAP) opens up many opportunities; for the individual, for groups, for organizations and for all cadres of irrigation stakeholders. AIAP is a national membership association registered in Kenya, focused on irrigation (includes drainage). It is a platform to serve, to synergize and to raise the profile of irrigation, as a sector whose importance is becoming evident every day. The Association brings together committed partners and members, who implement, support, or are interested in irrigation across its diverse dimensions. Even “Friends of Irrigation” can join. Welcome, be a member of AIAP!
You can join AIAP by registering under any one of the following categories:
- Individual Member: –Adult (over 18 years age) Kenyan, or holder of resident permit in Kenya
- Self-Help group Member: –Organization registered under the Societies Act or NGO Act in Kenya
- Corporate Member: –Organization registered under the Companies Act in Kenya
- Associate Member: –International organization officially authorized to transact business in Kenya
Membership to AIAP opens up many opportunitiesin any of the categories.
There are at least 10 reasons you should join AIAP:
- You get a Membership Certificate;
- You get to enjoy the power of networking with other irrigation stakeholders
- Membership accords you and your organization visibility by being on the AIAP database;
- You get access to a one-stop-shop platform for information, knowledge, innovations, technologies, latest trendsand happenings in irrigation and its value chains;
- A forum to seek supportfor initiatives/projects on irrigation or to facilitate/ support the cause of irrigation development at a level that suits you or your organization;
- A forum to link find irrigation-relevant linkages to markets, suppliers, financial institutions, professionals, institutions and other organizations;
- You get to influence policyand institutional reformsfor irrigation and to contribute to the advancement of the sector growth in Kenya;
- You can participate in seminars, workshops conferences, displays, learning tours, and to host events that have a bearing on irrigation;
- Opportunity to advertise your organization’s products, technologies, services and niche on the AIAP portal (open to members only); and
- You become part of a great team that makes contribution to irrigation development and growth, for your own and others’ benefit.
It is very easy to join AIAP. Just log into the AIAP website and complete the Membership application form online available at(
Remember to tick the Category of membership suitable to you or your organization.
Alternatively you can download the online AIAP application form, complete it and send to the following E-mail (
Once you have completed the online form, it will go to AIAP Secretariat for due diligence and assessment. Once your application is accepted, the AIAP Secretariat will contact you with further details to enable actualize your registration. It is after this process that you will be notified if your registration has been accepted and thereafter, effected.
Prof. Bancy Mati
Chairperson, AIAP