Upscaling SRI in Africa to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice Paddies
Upscaling SRI in Africa to Reduce GHCs from paddies_Bancy Mati_20-02-2024 [download paper]
SRI is a package of practices adopted to improve the productivity of rice grown
in paddies, by changing some agronomic practices from conventional practices
Some seven components distinguish SRI from conventional flooded paddy practice:
1. Transplant younger seedlings; i.e. at 10 to 14 days old, (rather than 3-4 weeks old)
2. Raising the seedlings in un-flooded nurseries, preferably with organic matter
3. Transplant seedlings in lines, at wider spacings (at least 20×20 cm or more);
4. Transplanting only one seedling per hill (not clumps of seedlings);
5. Alternate wetting and drying of the paddy field (do not continuously flood the soil) to
ensure aerating of the root zone,
6. Weed control preferably using a mechanical/ rotary weeder; and
7. Use of organic manures/ fertilization is preferred.
Invest in promotion of SRI through knowledge, financing, capacity building & advocacy..