WaterPIP Portal

Powerpoint presentation:

The WaterPIP Service Center for Kenya

In January 2022, the Association of Irrigation Acceleration Platfom (AIAP) set up the Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP) Service Center for Kenya. This effort is supported by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft) of The Netherlands, through the DUPC2 Programme, while Metameta and eLEAF provide capacity building support.

  • WaterPIP involves use of satellite data to determine water productivity (WP) of relevant crops
  • The aim is to deliver knowledge products and services designed to improve WP of agricultural enterprises and thus enhance improved water productivity thinking and implementation in Kenya.
  • WaterPIP is particularly useful in providing remotely sensed WP data over large areas, to improve irrigation water management.
  • The AIAP team works to by customizing WAPOR (Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data) tools scripts, protocols, content to local contexts. These tools are then used to support the content services offered through AIAP.
  • Other services include: Facilitating the knowledge transfer to users, sharing data, information and content such as documents, reports, maps, graphs, photos, videos, web-based interfaces/ platforms, mobile phone apps, and interactive content.

Figure 1: Standardized protocol for water productivity assessments (Chukalla et al., 2022)

Deliverables and Outcomes

Example of WP value for Rice Paddy at West Kano Irrigation Scheme

Upscaling WaterPIP in Kenya and Beyond

v Reach out to Kenyan business community and policy makers, including water user groups to sensitize and engage on utility of WP;

v Build Capacity within AIAP to handle larger and more precise data processing capabilities to meet expected demand;

v Develop targeted products for niche crops with special focus on irrigated crops (e.g. vegetables) and rainfed drought resistant yet environmentally friendly crops (e.g. sisal, maize, green grams);

v Develop user demand for WP data for decision making at farm level and cascaded to policy level;

v Build a Community of Practice for upscaling WP in irrigation in Kenya through AIAP’s network;

v Reach out to neighboring countries, e.g. Uganda to start a WaterPIP Service Center and upscale WP through outreach; and

v Create a demand-driven value chain for WP data.






Our partners

The WaterPIP project is coordinated by the Water Accounting team at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in partnership with Wageningen University and ResearchMetaMetaeLEAF and the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations.

In 2021, the project established Knowledge Hubs and Service Centres in 4 African countries, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.  

The selected service centers are:

The WaterPIP knowledge hubs are:

More information on the partners and their role as knowledge hubs and service centers is under preparation



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